Does social information affect the settlement decisions of resident birds in their second breeding attempt? A case study of the Japanese Tit (Parus minor)
Xudong Li, Jiangping Yu, Dake Yin, Longru Jin, Keqin Zhang, Li Shen, Zheng Han, Haitao Wang
2024, 15(1): 100198. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100198
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Individual consistency in spatiotemporal characteristics of migratory Whimbrels in the East Asian–Australasian Flyway
Siwei An, Fenliang Kuang, Wei Wu, Chris J. Hassell, Jonathan T. Coleman, Zijing Gao, Xuena Sun, Yue Yuan, Grace Maglio, Kar-Sin K. Leung, Xuesong Feng, Zhijun Ma
2024, 15(1): 100191. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100191
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Weather influenced nestling growth of an insectivorous but not a granivorous grassland passerine in Argentina
Martín Alejandro Colombo, Adrián Jauregui, Luciano N. Segura
2024, 15(1): 100173. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100173
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Diverse foraging strategies of breeding Swinhoe’s Storm-petrel in the productive marginal sea of the Northwest Pacific
Yachang Cheng, Lei Zhu, Lin Xue, Shisheng Ma, Nan Jia, Shaoping Zang, Zhihai Cao, Jing Yuan, Yang Liu
2024, 15(1): 100157. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2023.100157
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Integrating host biological and ecological variables to predict probability of haemosporidian infection in raptors
Kai Gao, Xuemei Yang, Xi Huang, Wenhong Deng
2024, 15(1): 100185. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100185
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Migration pattern of a population of Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica) breeding in East Asian tropical region
Li Tian, Yu Liu, Yang Wu, Zimei Feng, Dan Hu, Zhengwang Zhang
2024, 15(1): 100192. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100192
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Oriental Reed Warblers do not abandon Common Cuckoo chicks during prolonged nestling periods
Hanlin Yan, Huahua Zhao, Haixia Luo, Longwu Wang, Laikun Ma, Wei Liang
2024, 15(1): 100190. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100190
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Sounding the alarm: Functionally referential signaling in Azure-winged Magpie
Xingyi Jiang, Yanyun Zhang
2024, 15(1): 100164. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100164
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Inbreeding and genetic load in a pair of sibling grouse species: Tetrastes sewersowi and T. bonasia
Kai Song, Tom van der Valk, Bin Gao, Peter Halvarsson, Yun Fang, Wendong Xie, Siegfried Klaus, Zhiming Han, Yue-Hua Sun, Jacob Höglund
2024, 15(1): 100184. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100184
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Structural effects of reedbed grazing and its cessation on reed-nesting songbird densities
Thomas Pagnon, Clémence Péchinot, Léa Sgro, Jérémie Demay, Rémi Jullian, Régis Gallais, Brigitte Poulin, Cyril Marmoex
2024, 15(1): 100182. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100182
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Highly divergent sympatric lineages of Leptotila verreauxi (Aves: Columbidae) suggest a secondary contact area in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico
Orlando J. Espinosa-Chávez, Adolfo G. Navarro-Sigüenza, Hernando Rodríguez-Correa, Luis A. Sánchez-González
2024, 15(1): 100160. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100160
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Endochondral ossification of hindlimbs in embryonic development of Japanese Quail (Coturnix japonica)
Xuan Li, Yuxin Zhang, Hongfeng Zhao
2024, 15(1): 100152. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2023.100152
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From partial to complete: Wing- and tail-feather moult sequence and intensity depend on species, life-cycle stage, and moult completeness in passerines
Santi Guallar
2024, 15(1): 100163. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100163
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The effect of Common Cuckoo parasitism on the annual productivity of a host population
Alfréd Trnka
2024, 15(1): 100181. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100181
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Development and parentage analysis of SNP markers for Chestnut-vented Nuthatch (Sitta nagaensis) based on ddRAD-seq data
Qingmiao Yuan, Xi Lu, Ruixin Mo, Xianyin Xu, Xu Luo, Yubao Duan
2024, 15(1): 100179. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100179
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Detour for the inexperienced? Migration count data suggest mostly juvenile Greater Spotted Eagles appear in coastal peninsulas in China
Xu Shi, Xiaoping Wang, Qian Wei, Qiwei Lin, Lei Zhu
2024, 15(1): 100183. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100183
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The Crested Ibises expanding to plain areas exhibit a higher tolerance of human proximity
Yuqi Zou, Yiting Jiang, Zitan Song, Xiaobin Fang, Changqing Ding
2024, 15(1): 100165. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100165
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Corrigendum to “Migration pattern of a population of Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica) breeding in East Asian tropical region” [Avian Res. 15 (2024) 100192]
Li Tian, Yu Liu, Yang Wu, Zimei Feng, Dan Hu, Zhengwang Zhang
2024, 15(1): 100199. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100199
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Bird species present in urban parks are more colorful than urban avoiders: A test in the Argentinian Pampas
Lucas M. Leveau
2024, 15(1): 100161. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100161
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Population genomic data reveal low genetic diversity, divergence and local adaptation among threatened Reeves’s Pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesii)
Qi Lu, Pengcheng Wang, Jiang Chang, De Chen, Shenghan Gao, Jacob Höglund, Zhengwang Zhang
2024, 15(1): 100156. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2023.100156
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Detecting the distribution of and public attitudes to charismatic alien species based on media coverage
Yuexuan Liu, Ruichang Sun, Bo Li, Zhijun Ma
2024, 15(1): 100201. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100201
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Combining video and GPS-tracking to study the spatial foraging distribution of a single-prey loading seabird
Ruben C. Fijn, Wouter Courtens, Bas W.R. Engels, Emiel E. van Loon, Judy Shamoun-Baranes
2024, 15(1): 100196. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100196
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Seasonal increase in nest defense, but not egg rejection, in a cuckoo host
Bo Zhou, Wei Liang
2024, 15(1): 100154. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2023.100154
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Genetic benefits of female from extra-pair paternity are context dependent within the socially monogamous Tree Sparrow
Wenzhi Yang, Yue Shen, Yuquan Miao, Zhaocun Lin, Yingmei Zhang
2024, 15(1): 100203. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100203
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The influence of wing morphology upon intraspecific divergence in birds: A global study of subspecies richness
Haiying Fan, Weibin Guo, Buge Lin, Zhiqing Hu, Changcao Wang, Shaobin Li
2024, 15(1): 100188. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100188
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Deterministic processes drive turnover-dominated beta diversity of breeding birds along the central Himalayan elevation gradient
Zhifeng Ding, Jianchao Liang, Le Yang, Cong Wei, Huijian Hu, Xingfeng Si
2024, 15(1): 100170. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100170
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Proximity to corridors benefits bird communities in vegetated interrow vineyards in Mendoza, Argentina
Andrea Paula Goijman, Agustín Zarco
2024, 15(1): 100174. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100174
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Common Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) nestlings adapt their begging behavior to the host signal system
Sabah Mushtaq Puswal, Guo Zhong, Xuan Zhang, Longwu Wang, Wei Liang
2024, 15(1): 100195. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100195
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Recognition and rejection of foreign eggs of different colors in Barn Swallows
Kui Yan, Wei Liang
2024, 15(1): 100202. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100202
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Tri-axial accelerometry allows to determine parental food provisioning behaviour in a marine bird
Monserrat Del Caño, Flavio Quintana, Giacomo Dell'Omo, Agustina Gómez-Laich
2024, 15(1): 100194. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100194
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No evidence of predator odor avoidance in a North American bird community
Austin Dotta, Batur Yaman, Alex Van Huynh
2024, 15(1): 100155. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2023.100155
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Seasonal changes in Hermit Thrush (Catharus guttatus) song syntax
Sean P. Roach, Luke C. McLean, Jeff W. MacLeod, Leslie S. Phillmore
2024, 15(1): 100171. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100171
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Avian responses to an extreme weather event: The case of the 'Filomena' snowstorm in Madrid (central Spain)
Carlos Lázaro, Carlos Sánchez-García, Fabián Casas, E. Jorge Tizado
2024, 15(1): 100172. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100172
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The clutch size, incubation behavior of Reeves's Pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesii) and their responses to ambient temperature and precipitation
Ting Jin, Shuai Lu, Yunqi Wang, Junqin Hua, Zhengxiao Liu, Qian Hu, Yating Liu, Yuze Zhao, Jianqiang Li, Jiliang Xu
2024, 15(1): 100168. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100168
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Do brood parasitic Common Cuckoos develop brood patches during the breeding season?
Jun-Seo Go, Hae-Ni Kim, Sue-Jeong Jin, Myeong-Chan Cha, Heesoo Lee, Jin-Won Lee
2024, 15(1): 100197. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100197
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Bird specimen number linked with species trait and climate niche breadth
Xiaoyu Duan, Xiongwei Huang, Jingya Zhang, Shuo Lv, Gang Song, Yanping Wang, Gang Feng
2024, 15(1): 100162. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100162
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Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) and Little Tern (Sternula albifrons) prefer shells for nesting: A field experiment
Macarena Castro, Andrés De la Cruz, Nuria Martin-Sanjuan, Alejandro Pérez-Hurtado
2024, 15(1): 100158. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100158
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Use of evergreen and deciduous plants by nocturnal-roosting birds: A case study in Beijing
Yexi Zhao, Jiayu Zhang, Zihan Li, Qinmijia Xie, Xin Deng, Chenxi Zhang, Nan Wang
2024, 15(1): 100177. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100177
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Correlation of personality with individual reproductive success in shrub-nesting birds depends on their life history style
Jianchuan Li, Wen Zhang, Ningning Sun, Yujie Wang, Lifang Gao, Ran Feng, Liqing Fan, Bo Du
2024, 15(1): 100153. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2023.100153
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Hard life for sons in the nest? Sex-dependent offspring mortality in Great Tits in urban and forest areas
Nóra Ágh, Henriett Anna Dalvári, Krisztián Szabó, Ivett Pipoly, András Liker
2024, 15(1): 100169. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100169
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Incubation temperature induced developmental plasticity of cold responsive physiological phenotypes in Japanese Quails
Yingxin Kou, Rongmiao Zhang, Xiaoqian Li, Na Zhu, Yihang Huang, Shuping Zhang
2024, 15(1): 100193. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100193
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Nest decoration: Black feathers prevent Crested Mynas from nest usurpation
Jinmei Liu, Wei Liang
2024, 15(1): 100189. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100189
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Distributional and behavioral responses of the wintering Oriental Storks to drought in China's largest freshwater lake
Fucheng Yang, Mingqin Shao, Jianying Wang
2024, 15(1): 100176. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100176
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Differential colour-ring loss among Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus) colonies and its consequence on survival estimates
Anastasios Bounas, Giorgos Catsadorakis, Dionyssia Hatzilacou, Theodoros Naziridis, Jocelyn Champagnon, Alain J. Crivelli
2024, 15(1): 100166. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100166
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Shallow sub-lakes are essential for sustaining the successful wintering of waterbirds in Poyang Lake, China
Mengjie Lu, Zhen Zhang, Peng Chen, Changxin Xu, Bin Gao, Luzhang Ruan
2024, 15(1): 100178. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100178
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River width and depth as key factors of diurnal activity energy expenditure allocation for wintering Spot-billed Ducks in the Xin’an River Basin
Chao Yu, Xuying Lu, Deli Sun, Mengnan Chu, Xueyun Li, Qun Li
2024, 15(1): 100159. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100159
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Changes in the adult sex ratio of six duck species breeding populations over two decades
Monika Homolková, Petr Musil, Diego Pavón-Jordán, Dorota Gajdošová, Zuzana Musilová, Šárka Neužilová, Jan Zouhar
2024, 15(1): 100187. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100187
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Feeding ecology and interactions with mammal hosts in a symbiotic genus of birds (Buphagus spp.) in Namibia
Michael S. Lukubwe, Daniel Velarde-Garcéz, Fernando Sequeira, Susana Lopes, Adrian J.F.K. Craig, Vanessa A. Mata
2024, 15(1): 100200. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100200
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Habitat preferences and nest site selection by sympatric populations of Middle Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocoptes medius) and Syrian Woodpecker (Dendrocopos syriacus) in natural mountain forests of Southwest Iran
Arya Shafaeipour, Jerzy Michalczuk, Behzad Fathinia
2024, 15(1): 100167. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100167
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Comparative analysis of the microbiome of sympatric wintering Bean Geese, Domestic Ducks, humans, and soil at Shengjin Lake of China reveals potential public risk to human health
Gang Liu, Na Xu, Chongyang Yu
2024, 15(1): 100175. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100175
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Weak influence of natural vegetation in urban green spaces compared to agricultural ecosystems on House Martin populations: Insights from nationwide citizen science data in the Czech Republic
Denisa Dvořáková, Jan Šipoš, Josef Suchomel
2024, 15(1): 100186. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100186
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Annual variation of adult survival of a south-temperate House Wren population in Argentina
Gustavo J. Fernández, Mariana E. Carro, Paulo E. Llambías
2024, 15(1): 100180. DOI: 10.1016/j.avrs.2024.100180
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